Products designed for circularity

In a consumer market that's full of noise and mixed messages, the Niaga®️ tag is your guide in contributing to a world without waste. Products carrying a Niaga®️ tag are designed to use again. They're proven to be high-quality and better for your health, too. If you return your product when you're done with it, its valuable materials will be used again. You’re the missing link to making it a reality. The tag shows you how.

What's in store

These are the Niaga®-tagged products that have been brought to market.

How to return your product for a waste-free world.

A recyclable product that isn’t returned won’t be recycled. Return your product to make sure it doesn’t become waste. This is how we safeguard the valuable materials inside for future generations. The Niaga® tag shows you how.

Making it real

Manufacturing technologies for a circular future

Get in touch

Ready to click for circularity?