Carpets by Object Carpet

Did you know that carpet is traditionally made by using a complex set of materials, glued together with latex? Separating and repurposing these materials after use is nearly impossible. Now groundbreaking manufacturing technology makes an altogether new concept for carpet production and recycling a reality. 

Such carpet is made of only one or two materials. Mono-carpet is made using polyester only. Duo-carpet is made with polyester and polyamide 6 or polyester and wool. The different layers are connected with Covestro’s LA1030 and LA1020 click-unclick, all-polyester adhesive. That’s it.

Healthy carpet, designed to use again

Carpet designed for circularity is healthier, safer and far more sustainable than the current standard. It’s hypo-allergenic and guarantees best air quality as it doesn’t contain added VOCs. It’s naturally fire-retardant and easy to clean due to the open structure of the backing.

Return is key

Get carpet designed for circularity back at the end of use cycle for recycling. In this way waste streams can be turned into infinite material streams, and bring high-quality resources back to life for new, high-quality applications, again and again.

Circular carpet technology

Groundbreaking technology makes use of a fiber binder that melts face fibers into tuft cloth. A laminator then connects the tuft cloth to its secondary backing using Covestro LA1030 or LA1020 click-unclick, all-polyester adhesive. Ingredients like latex that impact health and hinder recycling are no longer required. What’s more, production is extremely energy efficient compared to traditional production methods and uses no water.

This is how circular carpet design works

To create circular carpet, you need to design with the end in mind. That’s why Object Carpet sticks to the circular product design principles: use the lowest possible diversity of materials, prioritize clean and infinite materials and use reversible connections. Here’s how they make it work:

Mono-material design

Mono carpet design consists of polyester only. Its radical material simplicity allows for it to be fully and easily recycled at the end of each use cycle. The 100% polyester design creates important additional user advantages as no VOCs are added and the product is hypo-allergenic, highly flame retardant, easy to clean, and easy to install.

Duo-material design

Duo carpet design consists of two materials only. Using Covestro LA1030 or LA1020 click-unclick polyester adhesive, all-polyester secondary backing is fixed to any reusable fiber such as polyamide 6 or wool. After use, it can be easily taken apart for recycling.

Closing the loop

For a carpet to be truly circular it must not only be designed and made with the right materials, it must also be returned at end of use for disassembly and recycling. This requires close collaboration between all partners in the carpet eco-system. From material suppliers, to manufacturers, logistics partners, and recyclers, to fibre manufacturers. Working together, they ensure that clean and infinite mattress materials stay in the loop for use in high-quality products.

"Now that we have substantiated the value of circular solutions for the carpet industry, we look forward to expanding our partnerships with industry peers and the supply chain. Sharing knowledge is crucial to achieving any circular economy ambitions"

- Daniel Butz, Managing Director and owner, Object Carpet GmbH

Interested in the carpet technology?

Object Carpet has successfully launched carpet designed for circularity.
Read how you can benefit from their innovative manufacturing technology and know-how for making your own circular carpet.


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